Thursday, April 16, 2009

Linux! CentOS 5.2

Ok, so I have this email MTA server that uses the MAC Address of the server for its licensing. I just moved the server from one VM Server to another, and couldn't get the app to start. Apparently, In CentOS5.2, changing the MAC Address in the Ethernet Device - Bind to Mac Address - didn't work. Had to use these commands:

ifdown eth0

ifconfig eth0 hw ether 00:0c:29:98:1b:bb

ifup eth0

I assume if I reboot, it will change back to the "real one", but this is a virtual machine? Surely i can change this somewhere...


  1. Ok, I realized that when I imported the VM from the old server to the new one, if i KEEP the UUID the same, it will keep the same generated mac address. Otherwise it continues to generate a new one. I tried to manually set it within the VMX file, but just keeping the UUID the same when importing worked best.

  2. Today I noticed some strange FTP traffic from my CentOS box the the University of Pennsylvania?

    After first checking my time servers config (/usr/sbin/ntupdate, I now assume it was updates traffic. I disabled auto update checking by disabling yum-updatesd service in System - Administration - Services.
